Pest Control

$59 Initial Pest Removal Deal

$59 Initial Pest Removal Deal
- Guaranteed Pest Removal & Extermination! - Green and Organic Pest Control Experts! - Same Day Service, No Extra Charge! - Bed Bug Specialists! - Free Warranty & Guarantee To Be Pest Free
Ants, Spiders, Bees, Wasps, Fleas, Ticks, Cockroaches and Rodent Control

$59 Pest Control Deal Indiana


Ants are one of the most recurring pest problems reported. Ants are social insects that most commonly live on the ground but may enter buildings for shelter and/or food. These tiny critters can cause a great nuisance, however, there are a variety of hazards that result in damage depending on the type of ant that has invaded your home. Ants can cause structural damage to your home, damage your lawn and vegetation and contaminate your kitchen and pantry.

The following are the ants we most often get called to treat for ant control and extermination in Indianapolis and surrounding cities.
✓ Acrobat Ants
✓ Carpenter Ants
✓ Odorous Ants
✓ Pharaoh Ants
✓ Pavement Ants

Ants can ruin not just your home but your health and happiness. You need someone you can trust to get rid of and control your ant infestation for good. If you think you have an ant issue, call us today for a free consultation.


Cockroaches are one of the most resilient and persistent pests due to a high reproducing cycle. They carry and transmit a number of diseases including; salmonella, dysentery, gastroenteritis and typhoid. Cockroach droppings cause eczema and asthma.

Contrary to popular belief, even a clean home can struggle with cockroach activity in the house or around the property of the home. Cockroaches can be found anywhere, but most often are found in dark, small cracks and crevices areas in high humidity.

The following are the cockroaches we most often get called to treat for cockroach control and extermination in Indianapolis and surrounding cities.

✓ American Cockroach

✓ Brown-Banded Cockroach

✓ German Cockroach

✓ Oriental Cockroach

✓ Smokey Brown Cockroach

Cockroaches can ruin not just your home but your health and happiness. You need someone you can trust to get rid of and control your Cockroach infestation for good. If you think you have a Cockroach problems call us for a free consultation.


Fleas are considered to be one of the most unwanted pests for homeowners. Fleas don’t only get on pets, but can be a huge irritation and frustration for people. Fleas have proved to bit people and pets and cause flea allergies. Vacuuming and cleaning can temporally fix the issue. But for fast active immediate action, a pest control application will provide the resource of eradicating the problem.

Fleas can ruin not just your home but your health and happiness. You need someone you can trust to get rid of and control your Flea infestation for good. If you think you your pet or home has fleas, call us today for a free consultation.

Let us Terminate your Pests!


Mosquitoes are active from March to November. And especially active early spring to end of June. While going on campouts, it’s very common to find mosquitoes swarming your campout, that doesn’t need to be the case in your own back yard. We have all of the equipment and products necessary to get rid of the mosquitoes for all mosquito problems every year.

It is important to keep grass cut short and to avoid in standing water around the property of your home. We will treat as often as advised to control the mosquitoes and prevent them from coming back.

We all know the frustration of mosquitoes with mosquitoes bites, the annoyance of disturbing ones barbecues, hang outs, family get togethers outside, or whatever it may be.

Mosquitoes can ruin not just your home but your health and happiness. You need someone you can trust to get rid of and control your Mosquito infestation for good. If you think you have a Mosquito problem call us today for a free consultation.

Let us Terminate your Mosquitoes!


Mice and Rats are not celebrities like portrayed in fairy tales. Mice and rats can cause serious diseases that can be transmitted to humans. They can also introduce disease-varying parasites such as lice, fleas, and ticks into the home. Mice can cause many issues for home homeowners including; leaving mice droppings, tearing through weather stripping, tunneling through the attic and destroying the wood-work of the home.

The following are the Mice and Rats we most often get called to treat for Mice and Rat control and extermination in Indianapolis and surrounding cities.

✓ Deer Mouse

✓ House Mouse

✓ Norway Rat

✓ Roof Rat

Rodents can ruin not just your home but your health and happiness. You need someone you can trust to get rid of and control your Rodent infestation for good. If you think you have a Rodent problem call us today for a free consultation.

Let us Terminate your Rodents!

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